SENSE ACTING - a portal to the senses that cause SENSATION.

The Sense Approach.

The definition of sensation is 'the operation or function of the senses; perception or awareness of stimuli through the senses.

Story telling is about what we hear, see, feel, imagine - these are all sensations.

Through being scholars of a range of approaches; Character Analysis, Stanislavski's method, Meisner and Susan Batson's PERSONA, NEED AND TRAGIC FLAW, we are obsessed with the common denominator in all of these approaches - the transfer of sensation!

This is the focal point of 'Sense Acting'. Have we as actors transmitted a sensation to our scene partner(s) that stimulates a truthful response?

Our practice of 'SENSE ACTING starts with the BODY and BREATH. Is it relaxed? Is it neutral (truthful)? Is it open ( to affect and to be affected)?

SENSE ACTING requires the actor to desire the character(s) we play to be 'Human'. Thus begins a search and observation of 'the Human condition'. We start with our own condition. How well do we know ourselves? Do 'I' accept 'me'? Am I empathetic to the 'Human condition'? Have I investigated the physical. emotional, mental, spiritual boundaries of the human condition? SENSE ACTING encourages us to be BRAVE, FEARLESS to a point.

The Caveman Grunt sounds create sensations

The Caveman Body movement create sensations

We must connect to our animal it is the purest connection we have.

How do we breathe?/How does our character breathe?